Sonic Project 06 Shadow Release 1.0 (Demo 4.0) : ChaosX : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)



| 15/07/2020 to 04/09/2021 |


| How these changelogs work: |

| Only changes/additions/polish/removal of content that is already in the game and was presented in previous |

| releases gets documented here, for new releases, new stuff is not documented, to keep the new content as fresh |

| as possible. |



- Fixed Silver's Psychokinesis effects not playing when on dashpad states or path states

- Fixed Knuckles' vertical speed gained from gliding onto enemies being too high

- Fixed Super Sonic's jumpdash/homing attack not fully 1-hitting everything most of the time

- Added missing OnExplosion commands to bigger enemies like eGuardians, eCannons & eCannonFlys so that more damage objects affect them (fixes AQA Magnets and Bomb Boxes)

- Aquatic Base's Magnets now deflect projectiles when activating them

- The homing targets of the Iblis Crawler now get disabled when it performs its diving attack

- Made the jump ramp arrows brighter in intensity so they can be more easily noticed

- Added more helpful camera events in Aquatic Base Section 2 on the tunnels that have closing doors

- Added an extra camera event on Sonic and Shadow's cutscene in Crisis City Section 1 to add a bit more polish

- Added missing contact sounds when breaking the wood walls in Tropical Jungle Section 2

- Hardened the saturation of Tails' textures to make his fur a proper orange

- Changed the way eye highlights work in order to make them look better at any angles (this means no more dynamic movement)

- Fixed bug with changing light areas where the triggers wouldn't work with more than 2 different sets of lighting

- Moved the psychokinesis mark in Silver's Kingdom Valley closer to the bridge that gets lifted so get a better view

- Added more support camera angles to Dusty Desert

- Made Silver's Teleport Dash burn slightly less action gauge

- Added the Homing Reticle to missing states where there was possibility of locking into objects

- Smoothed out janky rotation of Tails & Sonic when entering aiming mode for Dummy Ring Bombs and Sky Gem Throwing

- White Acropolis' and Crisis City's boards now have different balanced settings tailored for their respective stages

- Updated shaders for Dusty Desert to give a better visual of what is quicksand and what is not

- Updated visuals for the Iblis Monsters, sporting fire auras and realtime point lights

- Updated homing reticle color palette to make it look more neutral colored (may clash with different character HUD palettes)

- Fixed lost rings sometimes having weird angled rotations when they're not supposed to have such ability

- Stage music now plays at low volume instead of getting muted while on the pause menu

- Updated how UI color themes are managed; Implemented gradient system using the original UI sprites to allow more ways of changing themes for different campaigns

- Cleaned up some bad scaling artifacts on the game's original UI sprites while playing a stage

- Repositioned the Action Gauge of the E3 UI to increase the accuracy to the source material

- Added extra option for the main menu background video which allows using the retail title screen and main menu backgrounds

- Added option in the Game options menu to change the button icons to either Xbox or PlayStation

- Improved facial expression and added more missing landing effects of some characters on the goal poses

- Added some more camera angle events to Sonic's Wave Ocean, Radical Train & Kingdom Valley

- Improved the transition to the zoomed out camera if there were other several camera angle event areas nearby

- Smoothed transitions of the action gauge glow when it's full

- Fixed inconsistency with Sonic's Action Gauge where it would refill on air (original behaviour recently found by modding community)

- Redone the action gauge maturity, gem level & energy display UI to look cleaner and more accurate

- Fixed Silver's Jump Panel animation not working properly

- Added ability to throw Dummy Ring Bombs while on air states if on control

- Added attack hitbox to the top of Tails' collider when flying to be able to damage enemies from bellow akin to the classics

- Fixed Knuckles' punch combo index not getting reset when the combo was interrupted by external factors

- Sonic's action gauge now heals on the speed it was intended to

- Blue Gem boost time now becomes bigger when leveling the gem up

- Increased size of tornado effects for the Green Gem to maintain accuracy with damage radius

- Increased consumption of action gauge for the Yellow Gem to balance out new use of gauge healing

- Removed noise of Now Loading... text from loading screens for smoother quality

- Updated Test Stage image in Retail Loading Screen to follow accuracy to the original game

- Moved Flag Progress, Total Gold Medals & Gems data saving to a global chunk in the Save Data class

- Fixed the cargo of Eggman's first train in Radical Train getting stuck midair when stopping the spline progress

- Rearranged a few chain jump areas in the second eggman train part of Radical Train's Mach Speed section

- YET AGAIN moved some dashpanels in Sonic's Dusty Desert's final loop to avoid missing them

- Extended damage factor on Bound Attack to all of the move's execution time

- Added E3 "Mission Completed!" prompt with custom assets when clearing a stage

- Fixed Results music playing a second late after the Round Clear jingle finishes playing

- Made numbers in the Results Screen move to the beginning of the bars for the E3 UI to increase accuracy

- Improved Gold Medal UI graphic to look more golden

- Arranged a new ending to the Crisis City Mach Speed section for a better logical event at the end

- Enlarged Amigo collision in the start of the second section of Kingdom Valley to avoid breaking enemies with Sonic

- Fixed more out of bounds breaking in Flame Core Section A

- Created custom animation for TGS Sonic's grinding animation to have a smooth transition when doing tricks

- Increased pick up radius of the Gem items

- Changed beginning event at the start of Kingdom Valley's Mach Speed section for a better visual

- Changed the way the chain jump animations are played to increase accuracy with the E3 demo

- Removed the TGS to Retail Idle animation for normal sonic since it's just more assets for an already available mode for TGS Sonic

- Cleaned some code for the Amigo objects to avoid framerate overload when too many are spawned

- Fixed oversight with Crisis City's Mach Speed section falling truck being able to get pushed away by the cars thrown by the tornado right after spawning

- Updated the camera angles for the results screens of the Mach Speed sections to accomodate for the E3 Mission Completed text and have closer ressemblance to the E3 demo

- Updated Knuckles' climbing animations

- Fixed iffy lightdash spline and readjusted final jump panel to volcano in Sonic's Flame Core

- Repurposed grind switching to add leaning animations

- Slightly increased pick up radius of rings

- Added homing target to goal ring

- Fixed normal behaviour Iblis Golem's Ground Smash attack not exposing their heads as supposed

- Added missing fire breath attack to certain Iblis Crawler behaviours

- Mach Speed Super Sonic can now access a bit higher speeds when on lightdash speed

- Gave a small buff to the speed shoes increase of speed

- Cleaned up design of the main menu, title screen and gold medal screen to look closer/better to the original game (colors without gamma correction from consoles)

- Fixed zoom-out camera angle getting bugged when switching to Knuckles and going back to previous area with Sonic before switching

- Fixed glitchy cutout material for Tropical Jungle's turtles

- Fixed Kingdom Valley's wind switches playing sounds rather weirdly (consequence of ancient setups from way back in the day)

- Improved visual presentation for the Adventure styled spindash

- Cleaned up Wind script for JiggleBones using fixed updating when not necessary

- Cleaned animation speed and timing of the roll animation for characters to look closer to the original game

- Fixed Dummy Ring Bombs and Bombs bugging out if interrupted by getting hurt or other states

- Added new lights to the mercury rooms of Aquatic Base

- Added extra camera events to Sonic's Aquatic Base to better lead the way

- Balanced low Homing Attack Recovery base bounce speed to be more accurate to the original

- Fixed rare visual bug where the main source lights of stages would flicker on certain spots

- Fixed bug where certain player projectile attacks (ex.: Silver's Smash Ball) wouldn't fully work the way they were intended to

- Adjusted some effects for beams

- Balanced bloom again for beam effects and robot lights

- Added missing rotor spin to Egg Flyer robots

- Added missing ambience sounds to White Acropolis

- Improved White Acropolis' snow particles

- Upscaled and improved character textures

- Slight improvement edits to Elise's hair model

- Restored lens flares blocked by collision and increased fade speed

- Improved button icons for higher quality (by DaGuAr)

- Updated Jumpdash effects to be a bit more accurate

- Cleaned code and pooling on the Camera Water Drops feature and added noise wobble to water drops

- Added a few new effects and missing reverb areas to Kingdom Valley

- Added missing water buoyancy collision objects from a few select stages

- Character action voice clips now don't play if there's dialogue being played

- Added missing UI elements to the E3 loading screen

- Fixed bug where enemies with guard shields would bug into always guarding despite the animation not being the correct one if disappearing and appearing in range

- Added more visibility to the Egg Crawler's appear effect

- Added land animations

- Improved transitions from jogging to walking animations

- Tweaked last guillotines in Sonic's White Acropolis so they don't clip under the snow

- Added some camera angles to scripted set pieces in Crisis City Second Section

- Added particles to the Rainbow Rings

- Tweaked First Person camera for better visibility

- Fixed armor breaking sound for Iblis Monsters being incorrect

- Added missing closed mouth defense animation to Iblis Crawlers/Gazers

- Fixed bug were restarting a section other than the initial one wouldn't set time to the proper time once entering the section and instead setting the last checkpoint time

- Updated most skyboxes with enhancements and additions

- Added missing feature to Silver's Psycho Shock: activating switches and triggering item boxes

- Fixed door lights on Knuckles' section sometimes disappearing

- Changed the way progress works for progression on Flame Core Section 2 after completing the cavern area with Knuckles; Sonic must now platform to the exit with the door open

- Enhanced textures to improve art direction in Tropical Jungle

- Added a few new particle effects to the caverns and enhanced placement and frail lava textures in Flame Core Section 2

- Added new BGM to the Game Over screen

- Slightly edited amigo switch animations of Silver

- Changed weather effects on Tropical Jungle playing rain for a bit when the stage started in sunny weather

- Fixed enemy health bars showing vertical white interferences when search lights project on top of them

- Tweaked Super Sonic's light speed aura to be a darker blue

- Fixed Radical Train not having proper a water reflection clip plane offset which would cause reflections not displaying properly

- Fixed the scripted loop area in Aquatic Base Section 2 making the player clip onto the door collision if entering the trigger from the sides going in reverse

- Migrated Input System to Rewired

- Improved Sonic's spindash effect

- Made Crisis City's ambience more red to feel more accurate to the original game

- Fixed some skyboxes being off scale and off position

- Updated results screen rank animations and effects

- Made character trails longer

- Slightly tweaked Sonic's super mach speed run animation

- Removed additional jumpdash particles as I simply didn't enjoy the visual anymore

- Added missing property to bombs and projectiles launched by Silver's Psychokinesis that consisted in dealing more damage or stunning the bigger the projectile is

- Fixed not all of Elise's voice clips playing along Sonic's

- Fixed Silver not being able to grab Egg Guardians when they were stunned by external factors instead of Silver's own moves

- Added missing property to Egg Guardian which consisted in dealing double damage when its core is revealed while stunned

- Updated UI with denoised versions (thanks to the glorious HyperBE32)

- Changed Silver's PSI aura to a more turquoise/cyan color

- Added more stage geometry to Wave Ocean's first section to hint at the mach section

- Improved Orca minicutscene in Sonic's Wave Ocean by adding more camera volumes

- Added new Game Data settings, where the player can see total playtime, last save performed as well as save data version in the Main Menu

- Added new camera volume that allows the camera to rotate horizontally to align to angles when sonic wall runs in Mach Speed sections

- Edited Sonic's main run animation and added it as a over top speed animation

- Fixed a very rare bug where the player would randomly get stuck at the end of a scripted path segment

- Adjusted Pole sequence in Sonic's Crisis City Section C

- Changed default settings for volume

- Enemy missile projectiles now explode when the owner dies

- Changed Mach Speed camera behaviour a bit to fix a recurrent jitter problem when going uphill slopes on Mach Speed sections

- Fixed small bug where exhausting the action gauge with silver and using the Grab All action would spawn the particle but not execute the move

- Fixed minor non-impactful glitch on stage start ups related to reading Gem data for the UI indicator

- Added credits option in Game Room

- Fixed small inconsistency with rail switching in certain parts

- Fixed an old bug present since the birth of the project related to enemy hit sound effects playing repeated times therefore saturating the sound

- Fixed Iblis Biters playing a hurt animation when jumping mid air

- Removed Unity splashscreen at start up (thanks to the chad BeatZ for providing me Unity Pro)

- Fixed ancient "bug" related to the camera spawn point when starting a stage, where the camera would spawn glued to the ground

- Fixed Red Gem object particle getting off sync as it gets culled by the camera frustrum

- Fixed players getting hurt by lasers or projectiles on frame perfect situations when homing attacking enemies

- Added heat gaze effect to Dusty Desert

- Improved tracking of Super Sonic aura when on Results Screen as well as adding tracking for shields

- Fixed jumpdash not triggering if jumping from a rail after bound attacking and jumpdashing previously

- Made Knuckles' Screwdriver Ground Pound stun item boxes and switches as well

- Made new homing attack & jumpdash animation for Sonic & Elise

- Added Idle animations to following amigo characters

- Fixed Sonic amigo not getting TGS animations if the option for it is enabled

- Added new SFX to indicate when Knuckles' Screwdriver attack is in full charge to deal full damage to enemies

- Made snowboard jump ramp indicators brighter

- Added objects to better point the player to the switch in the final laser wall in Tails' area of Sonic's White Acropolis

- Added a few camera volumes in Sonic's Tropical Jungle

- Fixed camera lens effects not applying properly in widescreen ratios

- Added new effects to mercury ball ride laser walls in Sonic's Aquatic Base

- Greem Gem Tornado can now be performed when getting control again from springs and jump panels, and other stage specific objects

- Made Adventure Spin Effect spindash sounds closer to SA1's

- Removed collision fix on Wave Ocean Mach Speed Section's straw roofs

- Speed gained from Kick Dashes while riding a board with Sonic has been slightly increased

- Removed/Tweaked some Dash Panels in every stage

- Edited the "Press Start" text in the Title Screen for the more logical PS3 version "Press Start Button"

- Edited E3 Loading Screen to look more faithful (XBLA restored loading screeen as reference)

- Added option to disable enemy healthbars in the UI Customization menu

- Slightly increased Tails' Dummy Ring damage radius

- Tweaked the speed of a few jump panels in Wave Ocean, Radical Train & Kingdom Valley

- Tweaked the speed of a few springs in Kingdom Valley

- (Hopefully) found a way to make Gem and Action Gauge stats be saved more reliably when changing sections

- Gem and Action Gauge stats now save properly if changing sections with amigos, Sonic will keep his stats intact

- Added ability for Tails to perform constant tail swipes with the help of the Rythm Badge

- Extended Sonic's White Acropolis First Section ending a slight bit

- Improved volcano particles in Flame Core Section 1

- Touched up the particles of Checkpoints and Dummy Rings

- Completely reworked the Rings shader

- Amigo characters can now interact with common launcher objects, jump over obstacles in their way, and pick up rings and itemboxes for the main character when standing idle

- Grouped together Effects and Lights group managers to reduce Object Manager overhead in majority of stages that had 2 of them separated into their own group

- Added steam exhaust effects to Radical Train's Freight Trains

- Touched up Crisis City chasing tornado to look closer to the XBLA Trailer tornado and enhanced its visuals

- Added unique intro animations for Mach Speed Sonic if on Crisis City or Kingdom Valley

- Fixed sometimes being able to pause while on the Results Screen if pausing in frame perfect fashion

- Tweaked materials for Amigo characters for better visual fidelity

- Fixed some dashpanels in Crisis City and Kingdom Valley having short lock timers allowing to break sequences

- Added extra jump panels to the start of Kingdom Valley Section 3 in the rare situation of sonic not exactly landing in the center of the path

- Adjusted dash panels in Tropical Jungle Section 1's final scripted sequence to avoid being able to break them as much as possible

- White Gem can now be used after the same conditions the jumpdash can be used in

- Added missing feature from the original game which consists of the action gauge being able to replenish while grinding

- Reconverted Bound Attack descent speed to better match the original game's visual speed

- Rainbow Gem can now be used when getting out of launch states when gaining control back, after a homing attack and while on a spindash

- Sonic can now Bound Attack + Jumpdash after falling off a Chain Jump sequence

- Recreated first set of jump panels from E3 Kingdom Valley Mach Speed Section

- Slightly increased Light Dash radius for Mach Speed Sonic

- Updated E3 Loading Screen Stage Names to look closer to the actual E3 look

- Fixed an ancient bug related to the Time on a stage being set to when it was first entered when respawning on a checkpoint

- Extended invisible walls to avoid more breaking out of bounds in Flame Core Section 1

- Slightly nerfed the amount of jump time that can be held when performing jumps with the Purple Gem

- UI Display now disappears when in-game cutscenes enter in action

- Green Gem can now be performed after a few more states

- Added one more snowboard jump area in Sonic's White Acropolis

- Adjusted some lightdash ring lines in Sonic's Wave Ocean Mach Speed Section

- Disabled light emission on Eggman Train Cargo explosion splinters in Radical Train

- Adjusted jump panels in Radical Train Mach Speed Section to point to their objectives & and added an extra chainjump to an unused tower at the side of the jump panels

- Fixed animation bug sometimes happening when grabbing the swinging pole with Sonic in Wave Ocean & Crisis City

- Fixed animation bug with Super Sonic's Light Arrow Attack if performing it after a homing attack

- Added E3 pulsing glow to Hint Ring question mark material

- Checkpoint save times and combo trick UIs no longer appear in the results screen if activated just in time

- Optimized checkpoint save times and combo trick UIs by no longer instantiating them when needed, and visually modified them when using the E3 UI

- Updated UI Customization option text to be more descriptive

- Increased laser amount in Sonic shortcut passage in White Acropolis Section 2

- Changed glow color of Radical Train's switch to help it be distinguishable from Silver's Psychokinesis colors

- Adjusted Rainbow Ring placement in Sonic's Flame Core Section 2

- Added lightdash spline to last set of rings in Sonic's Kingdom Valley Section 2

- Sonic now looks back at the big snowball for a moment while snowboarding down the hill in White Acropolis

- Added lightdash spline to a set of rings in Tropical Jungle to accomodate for the removal of a dash panel

- Characters now can't be hurt if they're on a in-game cutscene sequence

- Silver can now levitate if pushing against a wall on the air

- Bound Attack + Jumpdash combo can now be performed after a rope fling in Kingdom Valley

- Fixed looping issues with Kingdom Valley's "The Lakeside" music

- Extended invisible boundaries in Silver's in-game cutscene in Kingdom Valley Section 3 to avoid more breaking

- Added a new stance transition animation based on the TGS screenshots to normal idle animation for Sonic in Kingdom Valley's Silver cutscene

- Increased temperature of Wave Ocean's Color Grading Post Processing to make yellows pop out more

- Changed fire torches in Flame Core Section 1 for dark fire torches, and improved the dark fire torch effects as well

- Increased launch speed of volcanic rocks in Flame Core Section 1, better watch out when approaching the volcano...

- Made Mach Speed Sonic's speed lines more subtle

- Green Shields now carry over to characters the player switches to, if changing section and the character is the same as in the previous section, shields will carry on too

- Removed camera change when using upgraded Purple Gem

- Removed shrinking of Purple Gem and replaced it with semi-transparency to better execute the stealth mode the gem posesses in its third level

- Added mini-cutscene to the start of Sonic's Kingdom Valley

- Added stage statistics in the act trial select when selecting a stage

- Added unused star UI graphic meant to show up if new records are made after beating a stage

- Added missing feature to Wave Ocean's revolving nets; Adds small speed boost when going under them

- Added unused camera volume mod that moves between 2 points while looking at the player; This is now used in the final folding platforms area of Sonic's Dusty Desert

- Disabling dialogue in the main options menu now skips in-game cutscenes that have high use of dialogue

- Fixed very rare bug where characters would disappear into absolute oblivion and out of boundaries darkness/void when picking up a swinging vine in Tropical Jungle

- TRIED to (emphasis on the TRIED) optimize the rain weather effects, and made them look a bit nicer

- Added brand new environment effects for Radical Train

- Fixed epic dashpanels never being reachable in the loop of Radical Train Section 1 cause Sonic Team(tm)

- Flatened weird bumps in normal map of the color changing part of Sonic's Gem Shoes

- Added missing moving target follow feature to the camera for a few camera angle modes

- Attempted smoothing rotation on ground and on air of Snowboard Sonic

- Fixed characters randomly rotating to a random direction for a single frame after quitting a scripted path sequence

- Made rotation interpolation on springs closer to the original game's behaviour; character would tilt left or right depending on the angle that the spring was touched from

- Properly recreated the glow effect of the Psychokinesis Landmarks, removed old particles

- Added cubemap reflections to the castle windows of Kingdom Valley

- Sky Gem can now be performed after a few more states

- Simplified object placement of Crisis City's Mach Speed section a bit more

- Disabled culling on some big objects that had easily noticeable popping in in Radical Train and Kingdom Valley

- Softened curvature of Sonic's eyes in his facial expressions

- Fixed some enemy chain properties in Tails' Wave Ocean

- Added E3 main menu and title screen video to BG Video options

- Slightly tweaked the snowboard snow effects

- Made cursor invisible when it's on the game screen

- Added new leaf particles to Sonic's Tropical Jungle Section 1 at the open leaf dome area

- Added slope physics to regular ground movement states, characters will lean towards an incline and increase speeds going downhill

- Purple Gem can now be used anywhere but a few key states

- Fixed old inconsistency related to Sonic not being able to lightdash on a Bound Attack descent

- Fixed bug where the Sky Gem throw state was able to break the results screen state

- Super Sonic transformation can now be performed on a spindash (Volcano's suggestion lol)

- Improved camera resetting when on arena camera volume

- Slightly modified some stage placement to accomodate the new slope physics (CSC)

- Amplified the volumes of the music themes of the Test Stage as they were a bit quiet in the pas

Sonic Project 06 Shadow Release 1.0 (Demo 4.0) : ChaosX : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)
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Article information

Author: Corie Satterfield

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Views: 5883

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.